African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

GF Ultrasonic Flow Range Extension: New PF220/330 V2, U3000 V2 & U1000 Wall Mount (WM)

With this announcement we want to inform you about a major update to the GF Ultrasonic Flow Portfolio

• Update of GF PF220, GF PF330 and GF U3000 to Version 2 (V2)
• Launch of GF U1000 V2 Wallmount (WM)
• Unique market position of GF in ultrasonic flowmeter market
• New article numbers and significantly reduced competitive pricing
• Launch package with marketing materials and product information

Update of GF PF220, GF PF330 and GF U3000 to Version 2 (V2) The existing range of Ultrasonic Flowmeters GF PF220, GF PF330 and GF U3000 has been updated:

The new Version 2 (V2) devices will provide major improvements including the following:

Launch of GF U1000 V2 Wallmount (WM)

GF is launching the new GF U1000 V2 Wallmount (WM) Flowmeter.
Responding to many of your and your customers requests for a price competitive but also performant ultrasonic flowmeter with detached display for wall mounted installation.

The GF U1000 V2 WM can be supplied with 4 to 20 mA, Pulse and Modbus communication output as well as Heatmeter version for energy measurement of heating or cooling systems.

Unique market position of GF in ultrasonic flowmeter market

GF is now the only company worldwide offering a complete non-invasive, high-accuracy ultrasonic flow measurement portfolio for both clean and dirty media with global sales and support representation.

Ready for standard applications with analog 4 to 20 mA & Pulse output and Industry 4.0 with digital Modbus communication over the complete product range.

New article numbers and significantly reduced competitive pricing

The new devices will have new article numbers in order to avoid any confusion in supply chain management.
In addition, the product name (e.g. ‘U3000 V2’) including the term ‘V2’ will be printed on the keypads of the new devices.
The pricing of the ultrasonic flowmeter range will be updated as well with the aim to become for competitive and attractive

► GF Ultrasonic Flowmeter SalesPresentation

► GF Ultrasonic Flowmeter Tender Specification Template

For more information you can contact us on or call us on +27 21 702 0059


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