African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

GF Ultrasonic Clamp-On Range Extension: Doppler Version & Heatmeter Option

Doppler Version
Dear GF Partner,
Please find below the product info Industry No. 04/2021:

When it comes to flow measurement ultrasonic clamp-on sensors are a great solution: noninvasive and of high accuracy, applicable as a fixed solution or as handheld for maintenance crews. There are different ways to apply ultrasonic clamp-on(s). Below are two new long awaited options which are now available from GF, opening even more market opportunities to you
and your customers

GF Ultrasonic Clamp-On Range Extension: Doppler Version & Heatmeter Option

GF Ultrasonic Flowmeter Presentation

U1000 V2 HM Ultrasonic Heatmeter spec Rev A

U1000 V2 Ultrasonic Flow Meter spec Rev G

UD2100 Ultrasonic Doppler Flow Meter spec Rev A

Should you need any further information, feel free to contact us on


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