Manual valves
We learned about the following topics regarding manual valves
- Different types of valves
- Selection
- Application
- Material (pressure/temp)
- Maintanance
- Improved valve features
- Actuator retrofit (Excluding Diaphragm valves)

Plant tour
We went through the extrusion process for the couplers. Saw how different fittings were moulded and threaded. We through the picking and packing process in the plant. We got to see how the system was automated.

- Introduction
- Different kinds of actuators
- Blind electric actuator set up & features
- Smart electric actuator set us and features
- Smart actuator app set up
- Motor rating
- Pneamatic actuator identification, features, and working principles.
- Accessories such solenoid valves, positioners and limit switch recommendations for customers and what to add to make the valve and accessories work together.
- PRVs and accessories
- Fitting of solenoid valvee, postioner and limit switch to actuators.
Electric Actuators

We learned to do the set-up of the smart electric actuator on the app. Setting up open/close direction and alarms. Wireless activation.

Wiring up and set up open/close direction on standard actuator. The setting are done on the PCB. We were also provided with a cheat sheet for the set up.
Actuators have a battery backup for power failure.
Has standard interface and can be fitted to metal valves as well.
Has error display for fault finding.
Has manual emergency override
Pneumatic Actuators
- Pneamatic actuator identification, features, and working principles.
- Accessories such solenoid valves, positioners and limit switch recommendations for customers and what to add to make the valve and accessories work together.
- Fitting of solenoid valvee, postioner and limit switch to actuators.
Measurement & Control
- Introduction to measurement and control
- Conductivity sensor set up with transmitter communication and calibration.
- PH sensor overview, selection criteria.
- PH sensor set up transmitter and calibration
- Instrumentation fault finding on site

Wiring of the conductivity sensor and calibration. The conductivity sensor is used to measure the ion in the media.

Measuring the ions in our media

Setup of PH sensor with transmitter to set calibration to check the Potential Hydrogen in the media. We used buffer solution to calibrate PH 4 PH 7 and Water

Troubleshooting Ultra Sonic sensor that was not reading correctly. We used a PF220 to get the correct distance between the two sensors. We realised that the most common problem with the Ultra Sonic flow sensor is contact. You can use Silicon or stickers.
We also realised that with the Paddle wheel sometimes the wheel comes off or the wheel get worn out. We got to see the instruments on a live system. We also connected to the FlowtraMag on the Configuration tool to see the read the readings on a live system and the configurations.
Welding and solvent cementing basics
- Materials and the kind of cementing products to use.
- Going over the cemeting chart and the time required for the cemeting process per material and products.
- Preparation for welding- Cutting, shumfering, debuuring, cleaning, measuring & cementing technique.

PVC Solvent cementing.

Pipe preparation for electrofusion

Butt Fusion welding preparation, configuration & process
- Seewis Plant Tour
- We saw the moulding of ball valves & unions. They were also doing assembling of the valves.

Learned how the Diaphragm valves should be assembled correctly after maintenance.

Assembling instructions for the Diaphragm valve.

The correct grease to use on the washer.
We observed the packaging process as well.
Should you need any information on our products and services here above, feel free to contact us at