African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

Butterfly Valve 565 – Beats metal in every round

Butterfly Valve 565

Lightweight, highly reliable and cost-effective

Plastic Butterfly Valves have already proven to outperform metal valves in almost every way, thanks to a higher resistance against corrosion and a lighter weight. Now, a new generation has arrived to beat metal in cost-effectiveness, too.

The new Butterfly Valve 565 is the best choice for optimizing piping systems built for water applications and a wide range of other applications. This new generation comes at a significantly lower initial cost, and will save even more thanks to its lower static weight, requiring less energy for both operation and transportation. Installing the Butterfly Valve 565 is quick and easy, but thanks to its extremely high durability, it will be almost maintenance-free during its long service life.

How plastic wins against corrosion and gravity

More than half a century ago, GF Piping Systems decided to switch from metal to plastic. This was both a revolutionary and a forward-looking step, as the disadvantages of metal have proven to be the advantages of plastic. The Butterfly Valve 565 is the newest product of this innovation process, outperforming its metal counterparts in every way.

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