African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

Introducing the Type 2751 DryLoc® pH/ORP Smart Sensor Electronics

smart sensor

GF Piping Systems has added the Signet 2751 pH/ORP Smart Sensor Electronics to its extensive line of analytical instrumentation product line. The new sensor electronics offers vastly improved diagnostics, performance, and convenience in ensuring accurate pH/ORP monitoring and control.

Key features of the new sensor electronics include an automatic electrode health monitoring function which is beneficial in preventing problems before they happen. Operators typically clean and calibrate pH and ORP electrodes on a regular schedule and manually determine the health of the electrode based on calibration results. If the probe experiences damage or wear before regular maintenance has occurred, the user may have obtained inaccurate pH/ORP readings.

The new 2751, combined with the Signet 9900 Transmitter (Gen IV) or 9950 Dual Channel Transmitter* or Signet 0486 Profibus Concentrator, eliminates this problem by automatically monitoring electrode health and generating an alert to potential problems before they become serious, and possibly costly. The automatic health check also cuts down on time-consuming maintenance and calibration.

In 4 to 20 mA blind mode the 4 to 20 span can be set using the 0252 Configuration Tool to match the desired mV range (for ORP electrodes) and pH range (for pH electrodes). Visit to download the latest 0252 software update.

Support for the advanced features (broken glass detection, high glass impedance alarm and reference impedance) in blind mode will be available with the 0252 Configuration Tool, coming within Q4, 2017.

Key Features

  • Automatic temperature compensated glass impedance monitoring
  • High impedance warning on user selectable threshold
  • Broken glass detection
  • Manufacturing and operational data recorded and stored
  • Convenient remote calibration
  • Electrode Slope Efficiency
  • Compatible with existing 8900, 9900 and 9950 instruments

2751 Host Compatibility Matrix with a Memory Chip Enabled for pH/ORP Electrodes

**Also applicable to memory chip enabled ORP electrodes

Target Applications

Target applications for the DryLoc® pH/ORP Smart Sensor Electronics include:

  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Neutralization Systems
  • Scrubber Control
  • Effluent Monitoring
  • Pool & Spa Control
  • Aquatic Animal Life Support Systems


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