African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

Utility tools & Packaging ELGEF Plus


  1. Peeling tool RSE and RSE Multi d20-75mm – Product improvements d20 and d25mm
  2. Peeling tools RSE multi 180 and RSE multi 400
  3. Update pallet quantities (pieces/pallet) for ELGEF Plus products

1. Peeling tool RSE and RSE Multi d20-75mm – Product improvements d20 and d25mm

The peeling tools RSE and RSE Multi in the dimension range of d20-d25mm have been further optimized. The dimension inserts d20mm and d25mm are now manufactured out of brass instead of stainless steel. This reduces friction, ensures smooth running and reduces the risk of jamming on the spindle.

Previous d20 and d25mm (Stainless steel)  NEW d20 and d25mm (Brass)

The optimizations affect the article numbers marked below and are implemented immediately both in stock (DZS-SH) and in production. Peeling tools that have already been delivered are not converted.

For more information on the RSE Multi peeling units, please also refer to

“Information Products/Markets” 52/2020 (7/12/20), 46/2020 (10/28/20), 12/2019 (6/3/19).

2. Peeling tools RSE multi 180 & RSE multi 400

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the successful market launch of the peeling tool RSE multi 180. See “Information Products/Markets” 46/2020 (28.10.20) for further details.

Application range d90-180mm / 3″ 6″

Application range d90-180mm / 3″ 6″

The tool is already very actively and successfully marketed and sold in some markets.

A special highlight is the campaign of the sales company Switzerland, who were able to sell over 100 sets with a marketing package “Fusion unit + Peeling tool”!

Preliminary info

We expect the market launch for the peeling tool RSE multi 400 (d180-400mm / 8″ – 16″) during the 2nd quarter 2022. We will inform accordingly.

  • Update pallet quantities (pieces/pallet) for ELGEF Plus / WAVIN products

The packaging data for ELGEF Plus & Wavin articles produced in plant Schaffhausen were revised and improved. This included adapting the total quantity of articles packed on a pallet (EP) according to the latest safety and packaging rules.

For some articles, the EP quantity needed to be changed. You will find attached an Excel spreadsheet including all articled with revised EP quantities.

The quantities per bag (SPB) and the quantities per carton box (GPK) did not change.

The changes are valid as of now and implemented in SAP.

► Utility tools & Packaging ELGEF Plus

► Packaging QTY ELGEF Plus_I&U-Info_211216

For more information you can contact us on or call us on +27 21 702 0059


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