African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

The all new Electropneumatic positioners series SPC (Stroke Process Controller) and RPC (Rotary Process Controller).

1 Product description
The new range of electro-pneumatic Positioners Type SPC and RPC replaces the current DSR500 product group and is the answer to the increasing requirements for the control of pneumatically driven valves. The new SPC and RPC positioners are optimally matched to almost all GF valves with linear and rotary actuators via corresponding adapters and enable reliable position control.

Fig. 1: Positioner for rotary (Rotary Process Controller – RPC, right) and stroke actuators (Stroke Process Controller – SPC, left)

The new range of positioners offers extensive additional functions based on new product variants which are geared to the most diverse requirements of the specific customer application.

Product types:

  1. Positioner Basic – SPC, SPC*, RPC
    The positioner is mounted on a pneumatically driven valve and controls the position of the valve.
  2. Positioner equipped with display – SPC D, RPC D
  3. PID Positioner – SPC PID, RPC PID
    The process controller is integrated in a control loop. The position setpoint of the valve is calculated from the process setpoint and the actual process value (as an external sensor signal) via the control parameters (PID controller).
  4. ON/OFF Positioner (Control head) – SPC Lite.
    The control head combines pilot valves and position feedback in one device as a compact and integrated solution for simple ON/OFF applications.

The new positioners are characterized by quick and easy commissioning via an automatic calibration function. The devices are controlled via standardized analog signals (4-20 mA or 0-5/10 V). As standard, all devices also have a corresponding analog feedback. LED feedback, switches as well as an optional operator display facilitate user interoperability.

2. Strategy and positioning

The SPC and RPC electropneumatic positioners are designed for any application in which pneumatic valves with stroke and rotary actuators are reliably controlled in their position. The new positioners in the modern GF design offer unique functions and enable the complete integration of pneumatically driven valves into the automation loop. With the expanded range and extensive product variants, we are sure to meet the increasing customer requirements in a wide variety of industrial automation applications thus achieving greater market coverage. Compared to the previous range, the positioners offer a number of
additional functionalities at a more attractive price-performance ratio.

3. Product Range and availability

The following items are released for sale in SAP:

With the introduction of the new positioners, the replacement of the previous DSR500 line also begins. The replacement period begins now and will continue for 1 year. Please make sure to contact sensitive customers early, clarify possible requirements regarding availability
in time and prepare for a Last-Time-Buy.

► GFDO_BR_00066_EN_Positioner_Digital

► gfps-datasheet-spc-rpc-pneumatic-positioner-en

For more information you can contact us on or call us on +27 21 702 0059


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