African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

African Sales and Business Development Office for +GF+ Piping Systems

Georg Fischer Price Amendment DEKA Pipes July 2021

Unfortunately the market situation did not improve in the course of the past weeks and we had to face further increase of costs for raw materials, additives and logistics etc.

The still short availability of many components is creating new challenges nearly every day and requires our full commitment to secure reliable deliveries.
At the moment prices for PVC-U and PVC-C are forcing us to adapt prices for our products as of July 1st, 2021.

The approximative price increase for the various product groups will be as follows:

The price increase will be implemented with surcharges on the above product groups, meaning the gross price will remain unchanged.
The new prices will be applied for all orders received as of July 1st, 2021 as well as on all orders delivered as of August 1st, 2021.

Thanks for your understanding and we are looking forward to continue the good cooperation in those challenging times.

For more information you can contact us on or call us on +27 21 702 0059


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